Congratulations to our most recent winner, the Central Kansas Dream Center!
Check out all of our previous winners by clicking here.
Save the Date for Our Next Giving Meeting!
Tuesday, February 11 @ 5:30 PM
(Normal giving meetings take place the 2nd Tuesdays of February, May, August, and November)
Best Western Angus Inn Courtyard | 2920 10th Street in Great Bend, Kansas
Presenting Charities:
To Be Announced
Members who attend will do two things at every meeting:
VOTE on which charity receives this quarter's gifts -and- NOMINATE the charities who present next quarter.
Don't forget to bring your checkbook!
New members can sign up at any time during the year!
All 2025 Meeting Dates​
February 11
May 13
August 12
November 11
Big Impact. Small Time Commitment.
Since January 2017, our members have raised a grand total of more than $160,000 donated to deserving local charities in Barton County, Kansas!

The premise is simple - this group exists to give charitable organizations a platform to reach new people, and to stimulate $10,000 in giving every quarter! If 100 people, each commit to give $100 - we can make a BIG impact four times per year without a huge time commitment in a casual, relaxed atmosphere that also lends well to networking. There is no fee to join, and no cap on how many members we can have!
Our Mission
Bringing community people together to make an immediate impact on local nonprofit organizations - and having fun doing it!