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Family Crisis Center Receives Over $10,000 in Donations from Members of 100 People Who Care

Earlier this month, the Family Crisis Center was one of three charities to give a presentation at the third quarter meeting of the 100+ People Who Care group. The Family Crisis Center is a nonprofit organization based out of Great Bend that serves victims of sexual and domestic violence all over Central and Western Kansas. After all three charities presented a 5-minute pitch and answered questions, the philanthropic group took a vote on which charity would win all the members’ donations. The Family Crisis Center is pleased to announce that their organization was named the winner, and received more than $10,500 in donations from the group’s growing list of over 105 members.

“These donations are so crucial to keep up with the unfortunate demand for our services across the State,” says Joanne Wondra, Executive Director of the Family Crisis Center. “We plan to use these funds to make improvements to our women’s shelter here in Great Bend, to meet code requirements so that we can start utilizing another level of the home and house more victims.”

The idea behind the relatively new group, which was founded in January of this year, is that every member commits $100 per quarter so that over $10,000 can be raised in just one hour at each of the four meetings throughout the year. “Not only is this a great way to impact the charity that wins the donations at the meeting, but it’s also a great opportunity for exposure to a group of caring donors who might not have been exposed to the charities otherwise,” says Julie Mazouch, Chair for the group’s volunteer Steering Committee. “It’s an easy way that we can come together and raise a large amount of money with a very small time commitment. And it is a lot of fun too!”

The vision of the Family Crisis Center is a community free from domestic and sexual violence, abuse, and neglect. The organization was founded over 30 years ago, and has expanded its services and its outreach numerous times since then. More than 25,000 survivors have been helped in that time, and that number is growing every day. “Until we can put ourselves out of a job by overcoming these vicious cycles of abuse, we will continue to help victims escape their abusers and prosecute those responsible,” Wondra says. “These donations from the members of 100+ People Who Care will be a huge blessing in helping us expand our women’s shelter operation in the future.”

To learn more about the Family Crisis Center, visit their website at or contact Joanne Wondra at 620-793-9941. And be sure to like the organization’s Facebook page. The next meeting for the 100 People Who Care group will be held Tuesday, November 7th at 5:30 p.m., at which time Wondra will return to provide an update on their progress utilizing the $10,000 gift. More details can be found on the group’s website,, or on their Facebook page.

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