Oxford House Wins Sizable Donations from 100 People Who Care
Oxford House Hope Central is pleased to announce that they were recently voted the winner of nearly $10,000 in charitable donations from members of the 100+ People Who Care group. During the group’s second quarter giving meeting on May 14, 2019, Oxford House and two other charities made presentations about their work, and those in attendance voted on which nonprofit organization would receive all of the $100 donations from the 100+ members of the philanthropic group.

Oxford House Hope Central serves a vital need for families suffering from alcohol and drug addiction by providing a safe, drug-free living environment. Their program has touched many lives in the local community, and has supported and encouraged residents in their recovery process by providing structure and accountability. As residents strive for self-sustaining, long term recovery, they continue to work towards being contributing community members.
The program has grown here in Great Bend, with residents who have remained in the program 18 months or longer having an eighty-seven percent success rate. The donations received from the 100+ People Who Care group will allow them to open another men’s house and grow to 32 beds, as well as establish a scholarship fund for individuals as they enter the home, and to promote and grow their program in Barton County. To learn more about Oxford House Hope Central, please visit their website at htttp://oxfordhouse.org, and be sure to like the organization’s Facebook page.
The next giving meeting for the 100+ People Who Care group will be held Tuesday, August 13th, 2019, at 5:30 p.m., at the Best Western Angus Inn Courtyard. At that time, representatives from Oxford House Hope Central will return to provide an update on their progress in utilizing the approximately $10,000 in charitable gifts. Members will also vote to select and nominate local, charitable organizations to receive future funds. More details can be found on the group’s website, www.100bartoncounty.org, or on their Facebook page.